
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

I'm Lovin' It Run 2004

The Olympic Day Run was launched in 1987 to commemorate the foundation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) by Baron Pierre de Coubertin on June 23, 1894.

The Run was created to promote the practice of participation in sport by men, women and children from all corners of the world and all walks of life, regardless of athletic ability. In Malaysia, the run was organized last Sunday (27 June 2004) by the Olympic Committee of Malaysia (OCM).

This year’s sponsor was McDonald and they did send in the clown. This version of Ronald McDonald was a bit on the short and chubby vs the tall lanky dude that we accustomed to on tellie.

Somehow, it is difficult for me to associate the healthy Olympic spirits (Faster, Higher, Stronger) with imagery of McD greasy, sodium high and sugar-laden grubs that McD are offering. Hehehe. I have been trying to cut down my trip to fast-food outlets to once a month in my attempt to shed some stubborn blubber from my mid-section.

The warm-up session was a major disaster as the CD decided to do some skipping instead of hip-hopping. Haven’t they heard of the things that we do before going “live” like “sound check and rehearsal”? It was odd doing the mass warm up without the music but the show must go on.

Roll with it - Datuk Azalina (Sports Minister) and Datuk Jega doing tha' thang with a vertically-challenged Ronald McDonald....

The 7km run was smooth and easy-paced for me. I didn’t go all out to save some energy for my Ipoh run next weekend, will be plodding on the 21km route. (Wish me luck). A good effort by Famemas supporters group, cheering the runners as they turned into the finishing lines.

One boo boo made by McD. The coupons given by McDonald were of cheeseburger and beef burger. Both are made of holy cows. They should have been more considerate to those non-beefeaters by providing fish or fowl alternatives. Coke was served at the drinking station. I missed the Milo van.

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