
Monday, June 19, 2006

Pampering My Feet Posted by Picasa

We made another unscheduled stop at a reflexology centre on the way back to YK’s house. Healthy Touch was newly opened and was holding a charity campaign for Sri Murugan Centre in Ipoh. Time to pamper my feet for a good cause. Heheh!

I took the foot massage package while YK and Poh settled for the back massage. RM30 for a 45 minutes massage with a free 10 min foot sauna. Quite reasonable. What is a foot sauna? It is actually a knee-deep wooden bucket with steam pumped in. You put your feet in and the top will be covered by a towel. A remote temperature control is handy to prevent your legs turning into cooked “chu jiao” (pig limb).

My feet were tender and nice after steaming. Time to get them kneaded to perfection by the master. Sounds like a making putu mayam, eh? Heheh! Anyway, the foot massage was a welcome treat.

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