
Monday, July 20, 2009

Siemens Run 2009

This is my fondest moment of Siemen Runs. It was in year 2006 when I participated in the fun run category. Heheh!

Yes...That is me in the clown suit! It was great fun even though I looked like a barrel of lard! LOL!

Check out the report here....Siemens Run 2006 - Clown Wit Me

And this is my fond memory of this year's Siemen Run! Heheh!

I must congratulate Siemens for creating such a fantastic atmosphere for us runners even though it was not billed as an "international" event; it surpassed many expectations in terms of almost flawless race execution for the runners.

There were drums at the start and even more drums towards the end. Groups of cheerleaders lined the street towards the Dataran Merdeka. I was told that was much happening than one of the recent "international" huge road races.

Me? I was happily shooting away with my camera! :)

I had a blast following the Dream Run runners over a course of a 3.5km run.

Earlier, I went to Lake Garden to meet my friend, Mr. Choi of C3 Sport Hub to try on a pair of Newton Shoes.

What’s so special about this Newton shoes?

Find out more about it HERE

Now, the video that everyone was waiting for..... :)

I usually try to keep my running video under 5 mins but I just couldn't edit this one shorter! Too many good things to share.

Look out for...

1) The striking Newton Shoes

2) A very late start by my friend Ryan..Hahah! He overslept!

3) Wonder Woman! I kid you not!

4) Runners with hearts outside their bodies. LOL!

5) A girl who fell flat on the road at the Cowboy and Indian cheer section. The road was slippery as water was being sprayed onto runners. Again, safety is a concern (organiser, please take note). I hope the girl was OK.

6) The Hot Pom Pom the end. Watch out for "humsup" Uncle Kelvin as he greeted girls when he ran pass them. LOL!


Note: Soundtrack - Eye of the Tiger 2009 (Fast Foot Remix)

Comments are welcome!

Looking forward for the Men's Health Night Run next week! See ya there!

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