
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Celebrunner: Namewee 黃明志 @ Nasi Lemak 2.0 辣死你媽! Movie Previews

Where is Namewee running to? Running from controversy again? Heheh! No lah! This guy is running to the cinema to preview his debut film Nasi Lemak 2.0 which he has both starring and directing roles!

We caught up with him at the opening ceremony of MBO Cinema in Subang Parade yesterday just before he walked into the cinema hall for the preview. Thank you Namewee!

The comedy is more "ROJAK" than "NASI LEMAK" because the cast is comprised a multicultural of Malaysian stars and the language is mostly in Mandarin and Cantonese with a smattering of other Chinese dialects, Bahasa Malaysia, English and Tamil.

Nasi Lemak 2.0 tells a story about a chef seeking his identity through the making of nasi lemak. It took him to three different places and three sets of different encounters to learn how to make the best nasi lemak!

The cast include comedian and singer Adibah Noor, Karen Kong, Afdlin Shauki, Kenny & Chee, Reshmonu, Dennis Lau, Nur Fathia, Nadine Ann Thomas, Pete Teo, Ho Yuhang, Dian Sharlin, and Felixia Yap.

We also would like to share some pictures taken at another preview of Nasi Lemak 2.0 at e-Curve on 28 August. Check it out!

Nasi Lemak 2.0 is released on Sept 8! TODAY! So, go catch it at a cinema near you! It's funny and at the same time spicy. Heheh!

Check out the theme song "Rasa Sayang 2.0" below"

Check out Nasi Lemak 2.0 official website at

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