
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Run, Fat Boy, Run!

Gordon: Go on then, run!

Dennis: Isn't there some kind of like... special technique?

Gordon: Well... yeah... you put one leg in front of the other over and over again really really fast.

There are not many movies about running out there. This one seems like a riot!

Plot (Source: IMDB)

Five years ago Dennis (Simon Pegg) was at the altar about to marry Libby (Thandie Newton), his pregnant fiancĂ©e. He got cold feet and ran for the hills and he's been going in circles ever since. When Dennis discovers Libby’s hooked up with high-flying-go-getter Whit (Hank Azaria), he realizes it’s now or never. He enters a marathon to show he’s more than a quitter, with his over-sexed best friend Gordon (Dylan Moran) as his coach. But Dennis then finds out just how much sweat, strain and tears it takes to run for 26 miles. Nobody gives him a chance but Dennis knows this is his only hope to become more than a running joke.

Check out the trailer here.

Directed by David Schwimmer (Yes...that goofy Ross from Friends). Slated for release in Oct.

I can’t wait! (Insert bated breath here)

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