
Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Visit to HUKM Pediatric Ward

What? A Visit to Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) Pediatric Ward

Where? HUKM, Cheras, KL.

When? 17 Oct 2010, 3pm - 6pm

Who? A bunch of runners led by Kooky Kash and Allen brought together for this special project.

The aim of the visit was to cheer up children admitted in the pediatric ward. We hosted 25 kids from age just over 1 year old to about 12 years old. All were with Leukemia or Lymphoma.

Some were carted in wheel chairs and some still had IV/ drip tubes still attached. All were accompanied by their caretakers.

We brought food, gifts and medals....our hard-earned finisher medals to be presented to them. But most importantly we brought US. Our presence. :)

Julie, the emcee cum singer cum comedian cum dancer (did I miss out anything?) for the event.

Allen lighting up the candles on the birthday cake. He did more than lighting up those candles. He lit up the everyone spirit with his bountiful of energy and passion! The best floor manager ever! LOL!

Chow time....Generous spread of fried bihun, fried rice, cakes, fruit and snacks.

Yummy cupcakes from Kak Nita of My Little Cupcakes sponsored cakes, cupcakes and T-shirts for all of us.

You can see lots of love has been put into those little cup cakes. :)

Sand art - one of the many activities lined up to entertain the kids. We have board games, magic show, balloon sculptures and face painting too.

The kids enjoying themselves.

A trayful of finisher medals. Donated from runners, who bled, sweated and teared to get them from various road races. I gave my hooHa 10!10!10! medal away. :)

Each of the kid were presented with a medal each. We would like to inspire them and to celebrate their victory so far for being strong despite their medical conditions.

Ijam, a runner turned clown to bring cheers for the kids.....(Insert applause here)

Displaying our hidden talent - singing! LOL! The playroom were filled with nursery rhymes and our croaking voices.

Group photo for remembrance. I'm sure we all will remember this for a long long time. :)

The organising team and volunteers. Great job done!

I wanna thank Julie and the rest for inviting me to be part of the team. It feels good to do good! Thank you to Azza for giving me a lift! :)

Thank you to all present and contributed. Thank you to my fellow runners who donated their medals for this cause. You're the best!

Check out the video clips of our visit. I tried to cram eveything within one song but failed. LOL! So, this is a bumper video with two songs - Count on Me by Bruno Mars and Things Are Gonna Get Better by David Archuleta.


Do check out posts by Kooky and Allen too.

More videos:

Runners Turned Singers @ HUKM Pediatric Ward

Runners Turned Hoppers @ HUKM Pediatric Ward


  1. awesome videos pt, and u guys were simply great,

  2. Thanks to u too for spending time with us. Nice chatting with u :)

  3. hi, I wanna volunteer at HUKL, exactly like what u guys did for the kids. I want to cheer them up on a weekly basis. could u pls provide me the contact on who I should liaise with? I want to make a difference to the kids' lives in my humble ways. thx
