
Friday, December 03, 2010

Case of the Stolen Keys to Tron: Legacy by TGV

Why are these celebrities running?

Are they chasing after the thief who has stolen the keys to Tron? Or are they being chased for having the keys?

We don't know. But what we know is: TGV will be giving some fantastic prizes to those who could solve the mystery of the missing keys.

Read further if you wanna know how can you help to solve the case.

Here's the leads and please follow the instructions carefully (Click photo to enlarge):

If you are the brainy ones who can solve the mystery, TGV Cinemas and partners are giving out A Private Screening Hall for any movie + a Panasonic 50” 3DTV and many other attractive prizes! Cool, eh?


Don't forget to like TGV Cinemas’ Facebook page –

Good luck!

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