Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Trail Titans Kiara Hills (5km) Race Recap: A Fun Trail Run in the City

"Dinosaur Egg," a giant egg-shaped boulder perched on a small hill – a cool landmark along the route.

I recently had the opportunity to participate in the Trail Titans Kiara Hill race, and it was a fantastic experience! This year, the event featured three distances: a challenging 16km, a more moderate 10km, and a brand new 5km category – perfect for beginners and families! 

Since I wanted to cover the prize presentation, I opted for the 5km route. It was a great way to get my heart pumping without completely wiping myself out!

The races started in waves, with the 16km flagged off first at 7:30am, followed by the 10km runners 15 minutes later. My 5km category was up next, starting promptly at 8am.

A group photo with the Thai runners.

with Suthan, Rainer and Tania.

Meet Jibek the Hiking Cat. He did the 5K run too, perched on top of his master, of course.

Race Day Experience:

Arriving at the Taman Rimba Kiara race site at 7am, I was greeted by a cheerful atmosphere and familiar faces from the running community. After a quick briefing, the 16km and 10km runners were flagged off, followed by my category at 8am sharp.

First km running into the park.

The first kilometer was paved, winding its way uphill into Taman Persekutuan Bukit Kiara. Here, I saw many hikers and runners enjoying their Sunday morning routine. Soon after, we transitioned onto the actual trail.

The trails were well-marked with directional signs and caution tape.

The trail was well-maintained, surrounded by lush greenery and a bit muddy from the previous day's rain. Carefully navigating the clearly marked route, I encountered some fallen trees that required a bit of climbing.

You see the egg, now you have to climb around it!

The initial 2km were steadily uphill, leading me to the aptly named "Dinosaur Egg" – a giant egg-shaped boulder perched on a small hill. Following this landmark, the trail became a delightful downhill run, where I exchanged friendly greetings with hikers coming up the opposite direction.

Trail Titans Kiara Hills was a fun and scenic trail run in the city, perfect for beginners or anyone looking for a shorter distance challenge.

The 5km route included two water stations, but runners needed to bring their own bottles for refills. The final kilometer exited the park and led back to the finish line, where a cheerful MC announced our arrival. After crossing the finish line, a volunteer proudly placed the finisher's medal around my neck.

A gorgeous nature-inspired finisher medal

While waiting for the prize presentation, I had time to relax and reflect on the race. The winners in the 16km categories were Xiang Lee (Men's Open), Mior Rashidi (2nd), and Muhamad Syami Mohd Noh (3rd) for the men, and Hanna Rashid (1st), Jacqueline Koh (2nd), and Chai Yee Ling (3rd) for the women.

What I Loved:
  • Late Start Time: A huge perk was the late start – 7:30am for the 16km and 8am for the 5km. No need for a pre-dawn wake-up call!
  • Accessibility: The race site's proximity to the TTDI MRT station (just a 1km walk) made it convenient for runners using public transportation. Ample parking was also available for those driving.
  • Eco-Friendly Practices: The race encouraged sustainability by requiring runners to bring their own water bottles.
  • Great Amenities: Public toilets, portable toilets, and ambulance services were readily available for participant safety and comfort.
  • Clear Course Markings: The trails were meticulously marked with directional signs and caution tape, ensuring runners stayed on track.
  • Attentive Marshals: Marshals were positioned at key intersections to guide runners in the right direction.
Suggestion for Improvement:
  • Post-Race Refreshments: While water was provided at the finish, some post-race snacks or fruit would have been a welcome addition. Perhaps food trucks offering refreshments could be incorporated in future events.
I thoroughly enjoyed the 5km Trail Titans Kiara Hill race and I got a medal too!

with Kak Zai from RTM.

with Aharis from Run. Mix. Burn! (alharis.blogspot.com)


The Trail Titans Kiara Hill 5km was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, perfect for those who are new to trail running. The short, manageable distance coupled with the beautiful scenery made it a fantastic morning adventure. I'm definitely considering participating again in the next edition!

Trail running enthusiasts, keep an eye out on Dirigo Events' social media channels for updates on the next edition of the Trail Titans series. It promises to be another exciting event!

For more info, please follow https://www.facebook.com/trailtitansMY

Check out my race event recap IG Reel HERE

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