Sunday, October 20, 2024

Why Every Runner Should Learn CPR and AED

As runners, we often focus on our physical fitness, endurance, and the thrill of the race. However, there's another crucial skill that every runner should consider adding to their repertoire: CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training. Learning these life-saving techniques can make a significant difference in emergency situations, and St. John Ambulance Malaysia offers an excellent program to equip you with these essential skills.

Imagine this: You're on a long run through a local park when you witness someone collapse suddenly. Panic sets in as you realize the seriousness of the situation. In moments like these, knowing CPR and how to use an AED can be the difference between life and death.

The Importance of CPR and AED for Runners

When someone collapses and stops breathing, every second counts. Brain cells can begin to sustain damage in as little as four minutes. As runners, we often find ourselves in various environments—parks, trails, and races—where immediate medical assistance might not be readily available. Knowing CPR and how to use an AED can empower you to act swiftly and effectively in critical moments, potentially saving a life.

This morning, I joined my fellow runners from the Liberat running group for a free CPR+AED course offered by St. John Ambulance HQ. I was initially surprised to learn that the course was free, but I soon realized that it's part of a wonderful community initiative.

For every paid corporate first aid class conducted at SJAM National HQ, they offer a 2-hour CPR+AED course for the community at no cost! These classes are made possible through public support. To participate, you need to have a group of 30 participants and register in advance. The course is offered every Saturday from 10am-12pm or 2pm-4pm. If you are solo or not part of any group, you can still attend the free classes on every last Sunday of the month from 1pm to 3 pm. 

I found the course to be surprisingly simple to follow, thanks to our excellent trainers. The class started with a theory session, where we learned the basics of CPR and AED techniques. Our trainer, Madam Chew Hoong Ling, a National Staff Officer (Training), was incredibly motivating, helpful, and had a fantastic sense of humor.

She started the session with a joke, saying that CPR stands for "Cepat Pergi Restart!" (Quickly Go Restart!). We all burst into laughter, which helped to create a relaxed and enjoyable learning environment.

To help us remember the steps in applying CPR and AED, we were introduced to the DRSABCD acronym.

Danger: Assess the situation for any immediate danger.
Response: Check for responsiveness.
Send for help: Call emergency services. 999 and get an AED
Airway: Open the airway.
Breathing: Check for breathing (10 secs)
Compression: Perform chest compression.
Defibrillation: Apply AED and follow voice prompt.

After the theory session, we watched a live demonstration by Mr. Cheang Chee Kin, an experienced trainer. He showed us how to perform CPR and AED on a CPR doll named Anne.

Fun fact: The mannequin is actually called Resusci Anne (Rescue Anne); in America, she's known as CPR Annie. I did some research and found out that the lyric "Annie, are you OK?" from the Michael Jackson song "Smooth Criminal" actually stems from American CPR training, where students practice speaking to their unresponsive plastic patient, CPR Annie.

Then came the practical session, where we got hands-on experience performing CPR and using an AED. The trainers were there to guide us and ensure we were doing everything correctly.

We formed teams of two, with one person performing CPR and the other using the AED, and then we switched roles. It wasn't easy and nerve-racking at the same time, but I'm glad I learned these valuable skills. I now feel more confident and prepared to handle emergencies.

How to Get Involved

If you're motivated to learn CPR and AED, you can register for a free course at the SJAM National Headquarters. For more information and to register, visit click

As runners, we strive to be prepared for any challenge that comes our way. Learning CPR and AED is a valuable skill that not only enhances our readiness but also enables us to contribute positively to our community. 

So, lace up your shoes, hit the trails, and make sure you’re ready for anything by joining the CPR and AED offered by St. John Ambulance Malaysia. Your fellow runners will thank you, and you’ll run with greater peace of mind.

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