Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sunway Lagoon Nite Park

Sunway Lagoon is almost a stone's throw away from my home. So, when I heard about the FREE entry to Nite Park (up to 3 Jan 2010), I quickly grab my camera and the faithful tripod for some night shooting! (Insert slow shutter speed here)

Photos posted were taken in three different nights due to bad weather and cancelled Red Indian show.

Had fun trying out different shutter speeds on the Wagon Wheel. Here are the amazing outcomes.




Chief Crazy Houre Carousel


Motion blur.

The Vulture

The Red Indian Fire Breathing show. Was disappointed my takes. Not able to get the "fire-coming-out-of-the mouth" shot! :(

Dancers moved around the stage and was quite difficult to track and focus on a tiny viewfinder.

Anyway, the show was brilliant, befitting the theme of Wild Wild West and the dancers were very obliging when asked to pose for photos. (Insert applause here)

This is the newly open dance club - The Opera. Very chic and stylish glass panel walls on the facade.

Trying out some long exposure shots of Sunway Pyramid. This is my favourite because of a "stray" headlights trail, thanks to a taxi detouring to pick up passenger.

I don't have a video for this post. Instead I present to you a slide show.



izzat farhan lanunism said...

a very interesting blog.. =)

sunway lagoon said...

The sunway lagoon at nite time is just beautiful. You will have a wonderful experience there