Marianne at the used toys section

I was awake very early this morning. Yes - it's a Sunday today. A habit I guess. There was no run this morning. Turned on the VCD player and watched Purple Rain (a 1984 musical starring Prince during the peak of his career). Bought the VCD yesterday at R.M 7.90 at Speedy. It was a passable watch, especially for the music but was somewhat disturbed by the visions of shoulder pads, bad make-ups and frizzy big hair (thank god now that we have the rebonding technique!).
Arrived at the SPCA (Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animal) at about 10:08 am. The Jumble Sale already started. Many bargain hunters and junk collectors were seen rummaging through the donated items for sales - stuffed toys, used household items, books, magazines, decorative items, clothing and accessories. Met up with my good friend, animal lover, Marianne who worked at SPCA to show my support to this event. I have been going for this annual Jumble Sale every year without fail, doing my bit for my little furry friends.
Headed straight to the book section where I found some very good buys. Bought 7 books for only RM20, among others- a hard cover of John Irving's The Fourth Hand , Nicholas Sparks a Walk To Remember (now a movie stars Mandy Moore) and Lance Armstrong's Performance Program (7 weeks to perfect ride) - a bicycling book. I do not own a bicycle but at RM2.50 apiece, the book was a good buy and should come in handy in case I want to venture into the world of cycling (dualthon/ triathlon) in the future. Hmm…. Am I daydreaming again? :)
The proceed of the sales will go to the abandoned dogs and cats. SPCA managed to collect about RM11, 800 in the 3 hours sale. Not bad at all.
Finally got my paws on a copy of Runner's World (June Issue) from an Indian sundry shop near SPCA. Been looking high and low in MPHs and news.com around town for it since few weeks ago. Highlight on how to run a perfect 10-K. I will put this regime to test for my next 10-K run. See if it works. Amused by an article - the most important accessory for Boonsom Hartman's 100th marathon was her tube of lipstick. Women! (Insert eye-rolling ceremony here) : )
Finished reading it in on sitting while commuting in the LRT from Ampang to PJ. Went to gym for my yoga class and had a good stretch. I love Sundays.