These Runs are Hot like Tom Yum Goong!

After down and out for one month plus due to my ankle injury, I think I will be ready for some actions by end of the month. Not running is miserable and not to mention, detrimental to my waistline. Fortunately, run events in the month of October are non-existent since it is a Ramadan fasting month. So, I have my chance to recuperate in peace without having to miss any important event. (Insert sigh of relief here).
I have already planned 5 important running events to make up my lost in not having to run. I am just going to do it light and easy, taking my camera along to capture the scenic runs.
First stop: Standard Chartered Run, Lumpini Park, Bangkok. 29 Oct 2005
My very first run in the Bangkok in the Land of Smiles and wicked Tom Yum Gung (spicy prawn soup). This run should be interesting as it also have a 3km category where one sighted runner participates with a visually impaired or blindfolded sighted partner. I will be doing the “regular” 11km minus the blind-fold. The run will start at the famous Lumpini Park and leaving the park on a delightful course that features the lake at Benjakiti Park and other special challenges such as bridges and stairs. The entire fee collected for the run will be donated for “Seeing is Believing” charity project. I am looking forward for the Swensen Ice-cream Buffet Breakfast at the end of the run. (Insert dripping saliva here).
Second stop: Terry Fox Run, Lumpini Park, Bangkok 30 Oct 2005.
My very first Terry Fox Run out of Malaysia. I am not sure if there is going to be a Terry Fox Run in KL or not this year. I phoned the Canadian Embassy but they are not sure when the run will be held. So, I planned my Bangkok trip to coincide with Terry Fox Run. Tickets are 350 Baht each and include an official 2005 Terry Fox T-shirt (I collect them….and this year is the 25th Anniversary for TFR), official finishing certificate, refreshment, and the chance to win exciting prizes. All proceeds raised from TFR will go directly to the Oncological (Cancer) Society of Thailand under the Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen for cancer research. Wow…Two charity runs in a row. It feels good to do good. It feels good to run too.
Third stop: Swissotel Vertical Marathon 2005, Singapore. 6 Nov 2005
My fourth vertical run. I did Towerthon - KL Tower (2056 steps), KL Int. Airport Observation Tower and highest building in Penang, KOMTAR. So, it is me against the stairs again. It should be fun to know that I will be at the top of the world when I finish with the climb up Swissotel, Singapore (1336 steps), as it is The South East Asia Tallest Hotel.
Fourth stop: Singapore Marathon, where else but Singapore. 4 Dec 2005
My second time for Singapore Marathon. Great Atmosphere. Great Organizer. Great Expo. Great way to burn a hole in my pocket due to CD & DVD shopping after the run.
Last Stop: Mizuno Wave Run, Dataran Merdeka, KL 18 Dec 2005.
Inaugural run by shoemaker Mizuno touted as the equivalent to “Jaguar” if running shoes were cars. Not sure what to expect. I hope the finisher medal look good so as to put a cap to a year filled with memorable, dramatic running/ walking events.
Can’t wait to put on my running shoes, running shorts, running socks, running wrist pouch, running vest, running bib, running chip, running MP3 player, running water bottle, running cap, running watch and running underwear. (Not necessary in that order..Heheh!).
It’s revenge time….(Insert Dr. Evil’s Buahahahaha laugh here).