Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Running for Fun and Family at the Huggies Malaysia x Alam Damai Fun Run!

This past Mother's Day, I had the pleasure of participating in the Huggies Malaysia Alam Damai Fun Run held at Taman Rekreasi Alam Damai. It was a fantastic event that combined celebrating moms with a chance to get active as a family.

A Perfect Fit for Families

The run offered two distances: 7km for the speedier runners and a more leisurely 3km option, which I opted for. This was perfect for me to enjoy the run at a relaxed pace and take in the scenery. The event had a real family-friendly vibe, and I even saw strollers along the course!

Me with Jason Fong and Suzie (Team Comrades)

The event was graced by YBhg. Datuk Azman Bin Abidin, Political Secretary to the Prime Minister (White shirt/ Middle)

Highlights of the Run

There were several things that made this run stand out:
  • Fresh Scenery: This was a completely new running experience for me! The tranquil environment of Alam Damai in the morning was a welcome change, and the park itself offered stunning views.
  • Friendly and Inclusive: The overall feel of the run was friendly and catered to casual runners and families.
  • Bonus Perks: The event offered a "Rahmah Sale" with discounted daily necessities, along with good course marshalling and a decent goodie bag filled with essentials.
  • Top-Notch Organisation: Kudos to the organisers, AD Runners & Team Comrades, for a smooth-running event that started right on time.

Finisher Medal

Great Goodies Bag: The finisher's bag included Huggies Baby Wipes, a RM5 food voucher, water, and a bread roll – a perfect post-run treat!

Huggies Makes a Splash

Huggies Malaysia was not just a sponsor; they were truly invested in the event's spirit. Their Marketing Manager, Mona Shamili, emphasized the importance of family activities and how their new and improved Huggies Dry Pants aligned with that goal.

Brand X vs Huggies Dry Pants

The upgraded diapers boast improved softness, particularly at the leg flaps, to prevent leaks and irritation for active babies. They also highlighted their commitment to parenthood with the "We Got You, Baby" tagline, reflecting their focus on creating effective and comfortable products for little ones.

Huggies Dry Pants are known as Malaysia's Fastest Absorbing Diaper, thanks to their patented Fast Absorb X-Channel technology. This unique feature distributes pee quickly and evenly, keeping babies dry and comfortable for up to 10 hours.

Huggies Malaysia will be donating diapers to 100 underserved families in the Klang Valley area via Persatuan Kebajikan Sayangi Rakyat Kuala Lumpur.

Community Champions

The event was graced by YBhg. Datuk Azman Bin Abidin, Political Secretary to the Prime Minister, further solidifying the importance of the run. Huggies went above and beyond by demonstrating their commitment to local communities. They'll be donating diapers to 100 underserved families in the Klang Valley area. This thoughtful act highlights their dedication to supporting mothers and making motherhood a little easier for those in need.

Overall, the Huggies Malaysia Alam Damai Fun Run was a well-organized and enjoyable event. It offered a chance to celebrate family, stay active, and experience the generosity of Huggies Malaysia.

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