Monday, September 30, 2024

Train to Dabong: A 2D1N Kota Bharu - Dabong Escapade

Have you ever dreamt of escaping the hustle and bustle of city life for a serene, nature-filled adventure? Look no further than Dabong, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Kelantan, Malaysia. This blog post will take you on a 2-day, 1-night journey, starting from Kota Bharu and culminating in the breathtaking beauty of Dabong.

Day 1: Exploring Kota Bharu and Boarding the Jungle Train

My adventure began with a night express bus from Terminal Bersatu Selatan, arriving in Kota Bharu's Lembah Sireh Bus Terminal early the next morning. I decided to start our day with a leisurely walk to Kota Bharu town.

A pleasant surprise awaited me along the way – a chance encounter with Haji Nazri and his wife, Pn Adilah. They have arrived a day earlier for the trip. I joined them for breakfast and had nasi dagang in a warung nearby Ibis Kota Bharu.

After breakfast, I continued our exploration of Kota Bharu, visiting iconic landmarks like Tambatan Di Raja, Muzium Perang, Pasar Siti Khadijah, and the Street Art Mural. The city's charming blend of traditional Malay culture and Islamic influences was captivating.

Initially, I planned to visit some kopitiams in Kota Bharu, but unfortunately, they were all closed due to the King's Birthday holiday. I decided to grab a quick lunch at Subway while waiting for the rest.

Small town. Bumped into the Hj. Nazri and wife, Adilah again near Subway. 

In the afternoon, I met up with the rest of our group and headed to Wakaf Bharu Train Station. Our train to Dabong, known as the "Jungle Train," was scheduled to depart at 4:21 PM.

A leisurely train journey from Wakaf Bharu to Dabong cost only RM5.

Day 2: Hiking to Kem Baha and Discovering Dabong's Natural Beauty

The train journey to Dabong was a scenic delight, offering breathtaking views of lush jungles, plantations, and the historic Guillemard Bridge. Upon arrival in Dabong, we were greeted by a local tour guide, Nik Ali, who took us to a delicious local restaurant for dinner.

Dinner at Adam Cafe Selera Ikan Bakar

After a satisfying meal, we checked into our dorm at Stong Heritage Eco Resort, a comfortable and cozy accommodation. We prepared our gear for the next day's climb up Gunung Stong to Kem Baha, a popular campsite known for its stunning views and serene atmosphere.

Men's Dorm - A cheap and convenient stay for our Kem Baha hike. 

Ascending Gunung Stong and Witnessing the Carpet of Clouds

We started our ascent early the following morning, armed with headlamps and walking sticks. The trail was challenging but rewarding, leading us through dense forests and offering glimpses of the surrounding beauty.

Reaching Kem Baha at dawn, we were treated to a mesmerizing spectacle – the "carpet of clouds" phenomenon. As the sun rose, the clouds below us seemed to stretch out endlessly, creating a breathtaking scene.

After enjoying the sunrise, we descended the mountain, taking a different route that led us to Jelawang Waterfall. This majestic waterfall, one of the tallest in Southeast Asia, was one of the highlights of our trip. Its cascading waters and the surrounding lush greenery created a truly magical atmosphere.

Relaxing at Sungai Kerenong and Enjoying Local Delicacies

Our final stop before returning to Kuala Lumpur was Sungai Kerenong, a picturesque picnic spot known for its cool river waters and serene surroundings. We enjoyed a leisurely picnic, taking a dip in the river and soaking up the peaceful ambiance. 

Our stomachs were growling, so we decided to try Yahya Ikan Bakar, a renowned restaurant for its Mi Udang. The spicy gravy, succulent river prawns, and perfectly cooked noodles were just what we needed.

Following lunch, we visited a thrift store set up by the Persatuan Malim Gunung Kelantan at the R&R Kesedar Jelawang. We found some great deals on pre-loved hiking apparel and equipment, including bags.

After returning to the dorm, we took care of our personal needs and enjoyed some free time. Later that evening, at 9 pm, we were picked up for dinner and our trip to the Dabong train station.

One for the memories

Bye bye Dabong! Hello dreamland!

Our 2D1N Kota Bharu - Dabong escapade was an unforgettable experience. From exploring the vibrant city of Kota Bharu to immersing ourselves in the natural beauty of Dabong, we created memories that will last a lifetime. If you're seeking a unique and rewarding adventure, I highly recommend adding Dabong to your travel bucket list.

Additional Details:

Transportation: I took a night express bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu, then a train from Wakaf Bharu to Dabong. The rest of the gang flew from KLIA to Kota Bharu airport. 

Accommodation: We stayed at Stong Heritage Eco Resort in Dabong.

Activities: Hiking to Kem Baha, Gunung Stong, visiting Jelawang Waterfall, picnicking at Sungai Kerenong, exploring Kota Bharu.


Day 1:
7:00 am: Arrived in Kota Bharu
8:00 am: Breakfast at Warung Kak Wan (near Ibis KB Hotel)
9:00 am: Exploring Kota Bharu
4:21 pm: Boarded the train to Dabong
7:50 pm: Arrived in Dabong
8:30 pm: Dinner at Adam Cafe Selera Ikan Bakar
9:00 pm: Checked into Stong Heritage Eco Resort

Day 2:
3:00 am: Woke up for Kem Baha hike
4:40 am: Started ascent to Kem Baha
6:30 am: Reached Kem Baha
8:30 am: Started descent from Kem Baha
9:50 am: Reached Jelawang Waterfall
10:50 am: Left Jelawang Waterfall
1:30 pm: Lunch at Yahya Ikan Bakar Restaurant
9:00 pm: Dinner at Ahmad Ikan Bakar
11:32 pm: Boarded the train to Gemas and then KL on the next morning.

One way Sani Express Bus ticket - RM44.00
Wakaf Bharu - Dabong ticket - RM5.00
Dabong - Gemas - RM42.00 (Lower sleeping berth)
Gemas - KL Sentral RM30.50
Dorm, Transport & Hike Arrangement: approx. RM100++ per pax

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